iaso health

About Us

Expertise and Innovation in Patient Education

We are dedicated to transforming healthcare through innovative projects that combine health education, patient engagement and digital solutions. Our diverse portfolio showcases our expertise in delivering comprehensive, evidence-based initiatives that empower both healthcare providers and patients.

From conducting research to understand patient attitudes towards ageing to developing tailored educational content and digital tools, our team brings together a wide range of skills, including project management, data analysis, content creation and technological application. We collaborate with partners to create patient-centric communications solutions that adapt to the evolving needs of the healthcare sector.

Our mission is to equip everyone with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing. By harnessing the power of education and technology, we’re working towards a future where better health outcomes are accessible to all.

Research & Insights

We design and implement research projects to better understand patient attitudes, motivations and behaviours. By analysing data and insights, we uncover valuable information that can lead to healthier living and improved outcomes.

Our research helps inform the development of targeted health initiatives and educational content that resonate with patients and address their unique needs and concerns.

Content Creation

We believe that health education should be engaging and accessible to all. We  produce a wide range of content, from factsheets to interactive ebooks, to videos designed to inform and inspire.

Our team of skilled content creators and health experts work together to ensure that every piece of content is accurate, informative and easy to understand.  Learning about health should be an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Digital Innovation

Integrating digital technology to enhance patient education.

Our approach harnesses the power of digital platforms to deliver engaging and informative content. We focus on creating educational experiences that resonate, empowering patients with the knowledge they need, using tools they already use and trust.

Patient Engagement

We design experiences that keep patients actively involved in their wellness journey. Our personalised approach combines cheerleading and coaching, avoiding the one-size-fits-all trap. Through encouragement, education, and tailored support, we empower patients to take an active role in their care and make lasting lifestyle changes.

Co-creation is key

We design experiences that keep patients actively involved in their wellness journey. Our personalised approach combines engagement and coaching, avoiding the one-size-fits-all trap.

Through encouragement, education and tailored support along a guided learning pathway, we empower patients to take an active role in their care and make lasting lifestyle changes.