iaso health

Case studies & Projects

Research projects

SLOWbot Healthy Ageing Interventions

In 2018, we partnered with Italy’s FBK research center to create ‘SLOWBot’, a chatbot designed to promote healthy ageing through personalised dietary advice. Our study aimed to semi-automate lifestyle coaching using personal data and assess chatbots’ effectiveness in healthy ageing education.

We investigated strategies to encourage adherence to health programs for individuals over 45. Although the chatbot wasn’t fully developed, we leveraged existing tech to simulate its features, resulting in a published research paper which you can find on academic databases such as ResearchGate: “SLOWBot Chatbot: Lifestyle Assistant’. 

Women's Health Decision-Making: Values & Personality Traits Research

We recognise that each individual is distinctly different. An intricate interplay of personality traits and values shapes our opinions, perspectives and choices. These differences make us who we are. With this understanding, we embarked on a research journey to explore how deep self-awareness could revolutionise health decision-making.

Our hypothesis was simple yet profound: we could transform health choices by fostering a deep understanding of ourselves. We delved into the core drivers of self—our values and personality traits, as these significantly influence our life decisions. Collaborating with Dr. Laura Le Duc from James Madison University (USA), we developed a quiz to identify these essential aspects in women. Our study initially involved US-based participants, with plans to validate our findings in Australia.

The research yielded four distinct personas, each reflecting a unique blend of values and traits. Armed with this knowledge, we provided personalised reports to participants. These reports, a powerful tool for self-awareness, highlighted behaviours and barriers specific to their individual makeup. By tailoring guidance, education, and support, we empowered women to age well and make informed decisions that impacted their health positively.

Our Disease-Fighting Eating Plan

Using an ontology-based platform, we crafted a personalised diet plan focused on mitigating chronic diseases. By analysing scientific research and nutritional databases, we identified and categorised foods with disease-fighting properties.

Individuals were profiled based on their unique needs, health conditions and preferences. Our platform generated a tailored diet plan that incorporated these disease-fighting foods, selected for their specific benefits like reducing inflammation and supporting cardiovascular health.

Through our technology-driven approach, we empowered individuals to make informed dietary choices aligned with their health goals. By incorporating these foods, they took proactive steps to improve their health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Our ontology-based platform combines scientific knowledge, nutritional data, and personalised profiles for optimised health outcomes

Personal risk assessment

Our innovative risk assessment project, which we called ‘Live Long, Live Strong’, included the provision of an in-depth musculoskeletal and chronic disease risk report and set out to empower women to understand and manage their personal health risks.

By providing detailed, evidence-based information on factors influencing conditions like osteoporosis, such as age, lifestyle, body composition and medical history, we enabled women to grasp the complexities of their individual risk profile. The report not only educated women about their current health status but also offered personalised recommendations for lifestyle modifications, nutritional interventions and physical activity tailored to their unique needs.

This comprehensive approach will equip patients with the knowledge and tools they need to take proactive steps towards preventing and managing chronic diseases, ultimately fostering a greater sense of control over their health journey.